A Mustang Minute
Our March School Newsletter
Graduation is Approaching – Gift your favorite grad a Legacy Brick!
Are you looking to give a memorable and unique gift to your favorite senior for graduation this year? Maybe you’re looking for a gift for an upcoming birthday, anniversary or significant milestone…
This is perfect for your graduating senior, your star athlete, a tribute to a loved one…
Celebrate your connection to Yorkville Christian School…your legacy!
Choose from 4″ x 8″ or 8″ x 8″ bricks, add text, add logos —–> your choice
Also great gifts for alumni, family or friends that support YCS, businesses and organizations that share the vision of YCS!
BONUS! You can even order a replica brick: one is made for the school and one is made for you to display at your home!
Click here for more information: https://yorkvillechristian.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Legacy-Brick.pdf
Print out the form, fill it out and send it and your payment to: Yorkville Christian School, 2001 Whitekirk Lane, Yorkville, IL 60560
Questions? Email Mrs. Janine McDavitt (janinemcdavitt@yorkvillechristian.com)
Mrs. Aguado – Spanish Classes
Students learned how Mexico celebrates All Souls Day (El Die de los Muertos) and completed poster projects.
Mrs. Tickel – Math Classes
YCS celebrated Pi Day on March 14th. Mrs. Tickel’s math classes were highly favored because the students (and families) brought in pies to share! Mr. Ashmore and Mr. Spears math classes were also able to partake, along with the rest of the student body and staff. Thank you to all of the math student’s parents who baked or donated pies for the festivities.
Ms. Johanningsmeier – Literature & Composition
Ms. J allows for students to occasionally get comfortable while reading their current novel and preparing for presentations.
Mrs. Painter – Chemistry Classes
Mrs. Painter used a practical lesson of making smores for the students to learn about the chemical reaction principle of limiting reactants.
Mustang Athletics
Yorkville Christian School ends this wrestling season on a high. Congratulations to our very own senior Ty Edwards, who won the 2023-2024 Class 2A 132-pound Illinois State Championship! He was also named the Record Newspapers (Shaw Local) Boys Wrestler of the Year!
We are so proud of Ty, and the unstoppable dedication and hard work from Ty and his coaches.
Baseball and Softball
The seasons for baseball (Head Coach Sean Bieterman) and softball (Head Coach Tracey Stoneberg) have just begun. Keep an eye on our social media pages for updates.
Track and Field
Dr. Jeff Schutt, Head Coach, and Javier Garcia, Assistant Coach, lead this young team of freshmen, sophomores and a few juniors. They will be competing in all aspects of Track and Field including shot put, discus, pole vault, hurdles, relays, sprints, mid-distance and long-distance races.
Good Luck to all of our Spring Athletes!
Recap of National FFA Week (February 20-23)
Our Yorkville Christian FFA Chapter celebrated National FFA Week with all YCS staff and students. Each day of the week had a special theme that all YCS students were invited to participate.
- Tuesday was Ag Mechanics & Engineering Day (students were invited to wear their favorite farm machinery brand)
- Wednesday was Ag Career Day (students were invited to dress up as their favorite ag career professional)
- Thursday was National Blue & Corn Gold Day (FFA officers wore their official FFA gear and YCS students were invited to wear YCS spirit wear)
- Friday was Camouflage Day (students celebrated natural resources conservation and wildlife management careers by wearing their favorite camouflage clothing)
Each day also had a fun activity for the students including a scavenger hunt, drive your tractor to school day, Ag Olympics, tug-of-war, loads of treats, and a very special FFA Farm Fresh Breakfast on Thursday, that was offered to staff, students and the local Ag community. Additionally, there was an Ag Shadow Day for prospective students to experience all things agriculture!
What is FFA? FFA is a dynamic youth organization that changes lives and prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth & career success through agricultural education. FFA develops members’ potential and helps them discover their talent through hands-on experiences, which give members the tools to achieve real-world success!
- FFA facilitates formative experiences altering the course of students’ lives for the better.
- FFA is intra-curricular and members must be enrolled in an agriculture education class.
- FFA members develop the necessary skills to continue their education in college or to enter the workforce immediately.
- FFA prepares members to be globally conscious of their community, their state, their country and their world.
- FFA provides opportunities to demonstrate literacy, advocacy, and technical skills in agriculture, food & natural resources.
Yorkville Christian proudly boasts of being 1 of only 5 private high schools in northern Illinois to have an FFA chapter. Our YCS FFA Chapter immensely impacts our students and alumni!
NHS Serves at All God’s People
Our 2023-2024 National Honor Society served at the All God’s People warehouse on March 15, accompanied by Mr. Versluys and Mr. Garcia (NHS staff sponsors). All God’s People is an organization that ministers to the needs of homeless people in Chicago and its suburbs. The students worked hard sorting hundreds of clothing items. Our NHS students also worked along side the special needs students from Elim Christian School, showing care and support in guiding the students. What a wonderful example of being the hands and feet of Jesus!
Vacation Bible School at Yorkville Christian School
Yorkville Christian School will host another spectacular FREE Vacation Bible School this summer! This year’s theme: SCUBA – Dive Below the Surface to Build a Strong Faith. Kids will go deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At SCUBA VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!
This free VBS, for kiddos ages 6 through 12 years old, runs June 17th through 21st from 9-11am.
Secure a spot for your child, neighbor, or friends by registering here:
Summer Camps – Enroll Today!
It’s time to start thinking about scheduling summer camps for your kids, and your friend’s kids too!
Yorkville Christian School has many exceptional summer camps.
Let’s take a look at the line-up:
Coach Roc & Micah Skills Clinic
This clinic will consist of one hour of intense shooting instruction and one hour of intense ball handling each week. The dates of the clinics are June 2nd, 9th, and 16th from 3-5pm at Yorkville Christian School (2001 Whitekirk Lane, Yorkville). Open to boys and girls entering 4th through 12th grades in the 2024-2025 school year, the cost of the clinic is $150 for those three dates with six total hours of intense instruction!
Spots are limited, so register TODAY:
NOTE: Walk-up registrations, with $150 cash payment, will be available only on the first session of the clinic, June 2nd.
Click here to learn more about the coaches:
Yorkville Christian’s Mustang Hoops Camp
Participants will engage in daily fundamental work, along with various contests and full court game play. Yorkville Christian School’s Boys Basketball Coaches, led by Head Coach Aaron Sovern, and Mustang players will lead this four day skills camp. The dates of the camp are June 10th through 13th from 9-11am at Yorkville Christian School (2001 Whitekirk Lane, Yorkville).
Open to boys and girls entering 1st through 9th grades in the 2024-2025 school year, the cost of the clinic is $70. Camp t-shirt is included.
Spots are limited, so register TODAY:
Yorkville Christian’s Mustang Volleyball Camp
Participants will engage in daily fundamental work, along with various contests and full court game play. Yorkville Christian School’s Boys Basketball Coaches, led by Head Coach Aaron Sovern, and Mustang players will lead this four day skills camp. The dates of the camp are June 10th through 13th from 9-11am at Yorkville Christian School (2001 Whitekirk Lane, Yorkville).
Open to boys and girls entering 1st through 9th grades in the 2024-2025 school year, the cost of the clinic is $70. Camp t-shirt is included.
Spots are limited, so register TODAY:
Yorkville Christian’s Hustle Camp
This camp was created to give players the opportunity to learn the game in a fun and competitive environment. The daily schedule includes skills stations, shooting contests, and full court games. Trophies are awarded daily and on the final day of camp. Hustle Camp is in its 22nd year and is led by Coaches Aaron Sovern (Yorkville Christian School) and Brian Johnson (West Aurora).
The dates of the camp are July 15th through 19th from 9am-12pm at Yorkville Christian School (2001 Whitekirk Lane, Yorkville). Open to boys and girls entering 1st through 9th grades in the 2024-2025 school year, the cost of the clinic is $100. Camp t-shirt is included.
Spots are limited, so register TODAY:
4th Annual Hoops 4 Hunger Basketball Camp
This amazing basketball camp, on Saturday, August 3rd, is open to boys and girls, entering Kindergarten through 12th grades in the 2024-2025 school year, and is hosted at Yorkville Christian School (2001 Whitekirk Lane, Yorkville). The cost is ONLY $20, and please bring at least 1 non-perishable food item for All God’s People organization!
Get valuable instruction from coaches with NBA and college experience! There will be awesome speakers, prizes and giveaways all while helping a great cause – fighting hunger by giving to local food pantries. This camp is once again run by Yorkville Christian School All-Stater and Eastern Michigan University guard, Micah Schnyders!
Get more details about the camp here:
A t-shirt and water bottle is included in cost (Yes, just $20 + a food item to donate)!
Camp time for K-6th grades: 10am-12pm
Camp time for 7th-12th grades: 12:30-2:30pm
Spots are limited, so register TODAY:
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment is underway for the 2024-2025 school year. Yorkville Christian School is excited to add 6th grade completing our Middle School! In total, we will offer 6th through 12th grades of Christ-centered academics, athletics and other extracurricular activities throughout the school year. YCS also offers dual credit courses, and a partnership with Indian Valley Vocational Center in Sandwich, as well as homeschool partnerships. Tuition assistance is available.
Please share this enrollment link.
Contact Tim Schnyders, our Director of Enrollment with any questions or to set up a tour.
We Are Growing: Now Hiring
With the addition of 6th grade for the 2024-2025 school year and an expected increase in enrollment, we are currently accepting teaching applications and interviewing quality, certified teaching faculty who have a passion for Christ and a desire to come alongside middle and high school students in their spiritual and academic formation.
Click on this link to view the positions, and this link for online applications.
Email Fred Versluys, Yorkville Christian School Principal, with questions.
Please be in prayer for our school as we continue to grow and be faithful to God’s promptings.
YCS ONLINE – FB, Instagram & our website
Be sure to stay connected with up-to-date news about the school, athletics, clubs, fundraisers and so much more on our social media pages!
“Like” us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YorkvilleChristianSchool/
Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yorkvillechristianschool2001/
And check out our updated website for some new features and links:
April 2 – School Resumes from Easter Break
April 9-12 – Senior Trip
April 16 – FFA Banquet
May 3 – Prom (for sophomores, juniors and seniors)
May 6 – Raising Cane’s (Oswego) Fundraiser
May 13 – 8th Grade Day Out
May 15-17 – Senior Final Exams
May 17 – Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony/Last Day for Seniors
May 21-24 – Semester 2 Final Exams
May 23 – 8th Grade Recognition/Last Day for 8th Grade
May 24 – Last Day of School for Grades 7th, 9th, 10th & 11th
June 2, 9, 16 – Coach Roc & Micah Skills Clinic
June 10-13 – Mustangs Hoops Camp
June 17-21 – Vacation Bible School
July 10-12 – Girls Volleyball Camp
July 15-19 – Hustle Camp
August 3 – Hoops 4 Hunger Basketball Camp