3rd Annual Yorkville Christian Athletic Booster's

Golf Outing Fundraiser

When: Saturday, September 21, 2024 (11am  check-in, 12:30pm shotgun)

Where: Bliss Creek Golf Course (1 Golfview Lane, Sugar Grove)

Cost: $500 Foursome, $125 Single Golfer

Includes: Steak Dinner after, prizes, raffles & more!

Hole in One Sponsorship

(1 available)

What’s included when you donate $2500:

  • Event Sponsor
  • Individual Hole Sponsorship on Hole #1 (may bring a tent)
  • Foursome paid
  • Company logo on school website, displayed on school banner and in athletic program for 2024-2025
  • Company announcement at athletic events AND on social media
  • “Thank you” in the Athletic Booster Newsletter
  • Promotion at all YCS Booster fundraisers
  • Suggest ideas on how we can support your business

The Eagle Sponsorship

(8 available)

What’s included when you donate $1000:

  • Individual Hole Sponsorship (may bring a tent)
  • Company logo on school website, displayed on school banner and in athletic program for 2024-2025
  • Company announement at athletic events AND om social media
  • “Thank you” in the Athletic Booster Newsletter
  • Promotion at all YCS Booster fundraisers

The Birdie Sponsorship

What’s included when you donate $300:

  • Shared Hole Sponsorship
  • “Thank you” in the Athletic Booster Newsletter

**Questions? Please email ychsboosters23@gmail.com