Please answer the following questions as best you can
What do you hope to see in your students life as a result of their education at Yorkville Christian School?
Church Affiliations: Please list any church(es), if any, you have attended in the previous five years.
What attracted you to Yorkville Christian School?
School(s) last attended by student: (School Name/Years Attended)
Describe any physical or learning limitations or medical needs of which you are aware:
Has your student ever been suspended or placed on probation?
Academic Performance: Please answer Yes or No for the following questions:
Has the student ever had a professional evaluation to assess the need for academic accommodations?
Has the student ever received special educational accommodations or services?
Do you feel your student currently needs evaluation of special educational accommodations?
Has your student been in an accelerated or gifted program?
Do you feel your student may need accelerated placement?
Social / Emotional
Are there any past concerns in the following areas that may negatively influence your students learning ability? (Select any that may apply)
Speech and Language
Are there any speech/language concerns present that may affect educational performance?
Do past or present illnesses or health-related conditions present a challenge to your students ability to learn?
Vision and Hearing
Do vision or hearing issues present a challenge to your students ability to learn?
Motor Abilities
Do any current motor ability issues or need for special access to accommodations apply to your student?
Information Release
***Attach transcripts from the prior school attended
Do you plan to apply for tuition assistance?
How did you hear about us?
YCS Distinctive Agreement
Yorkville Christian School recognizes the importance of providing students an environment that supports the fundamental truth that God has given all of us the ability to learn, as well as unique talents and abilities. The purpose of formal education is to not only provide students with the tools to become informed and productive citizens in society but also to nurture and strengthen the individuals God-given talents and guide them in the development of their own personal relationship with their Creator.
The Bible emphasizes the necessity of living a disciplined life. To that end, YCS will partner with the parents to provide the walls of support that students need to understand that boundaries are a necessary protection in their formative years, while providing students the freedom to enjoy their learning experiences.
In view of these values, I, the parent/guardian of the student named in this application, agree to support the practical expression of the Yorkville Christian School educational philosophy, which includes:
A Christian worldview through which all subjects of study will be interpreted
The Bible as the source of authority in all mediations
Enrollment in Bible class
Participation in our monthly school-wide service learning projects held in the local community
Practical hands-on skill assignments in addition to the traditional academic core studies
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