A Mustang Minute
Our October School Newsletter
Mr. Javier Garcia
Social Studies
Hello parents and students, my name is Javier Garcia and I have the privilege to be teaching at YCHS for the upcoming school year! I am native from Plainfield, Illinois and graduated from Eureka College with a bachelor’s degree in History and Political Science. I enjoy going on runs and bike rides through forest preserves to be exposed to nature’s beauty. I am looking forward to taking on new leadership roles within the school to ensure students feel educated, happy, and safe while in school. As well as taking on roles within athletics and extracurricular activities. I am the head Soccer coach and one of the teacher sponsors of National Honors Society. I look forward to meeting you soon.
Mr. Sean Bieterman
Social Studies
Hi Mustang Families,
My name is Sean Bieterman, and I am very excited to be joining the Mustang family as a teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. I am entering my 21st year in education and am thrilled to be working in a Christian school. Before coming to Yorkville Christian, I previously worked at Driscoll Catholic, Lincoln-Way Central, and Aurora Central Catholic. I served in various roles at these schools as a classroom instructor and school administrator.
In addition to my teaching responsibilities, I am excited to be co-sponsoring the business club at Yorkville Christian. 18 months ago, I became the business owner of T’s Academy, a baseball/softball/strength and conditioning company in Lombard, IL. I hope to share my business experiences with our students. I am also entering my 2nd year as the head baseball coach at Yorkville Christian, as well as my 22nd year overall as a head baseball coach. We are excited about continuing to develop this program and build it into the finest in the state of Illinois.
I live in Villa Park, IL with my wife Maggie, our son Casey and our dog Buddy. My wife is in her 20th year as a first-grade teacher in Elmwood Park and Casey is now a sophomore here at Yorkville Christian. In our free time we do like to travel and spend time together as a family. We are looking forward to our new future together at Yorkville Christian and will continue to enjoy being part of God’s Plan.
Mr. Bieterman
And….What exactly is family?
This past spring, I attended a full week cooking class with 11 strangers. At the orientation on
Sunday evening, the owner of Tuscan Women Cook ended her presentation; tapped her head,
and said “when you see this, it indicates “family time, pay attention” Hmmm…….ok, family,
really? Well, by Monday evening and after cooking all day and sharing responsibilities, the 14
of us had actually become friendly enough to be a family. Who knew? Why do I share this?
As Board, staff, parents, grandparents, friends, and students, we are a member of the Yorkville
Christian “family.” It simply means that:
- as administration and staff, we are caring for your students each and every day as they
walk through our doors
- as parents, you are supporting our staff by volunteering with your time and attending
your student’s functions
- as grandparents and friends, you are offering up your prayers on behalf of our students
and staff (and, of course, attending functions)
All of the above make us a vital part of the Yorkville Christian Mustang Community.
Another “family” visual often used by Christian schools is a three-legged stool….home, church,
and school. The three units are tightly knitted together through your students. Each unit
supports the other. Home (parents, grandparents, and friends) supports with time, talents, and
finances; church supports with prayers, participation in our chapels, and finances; school
supports by caring and praying for students as well as providing a Christian environment for
It is a time to be proud of being a “family” member at Yorkville Christian. As the world around
us, both near and far, exists in ongoing turmoil, be assured the Yorkville Christian “family” is a
safe environment which remains strong and secure in God’s love and mercy.
Happy and blessed fall.
Connie Brott
Director of Mission Advancement
T.R.I.P. – Tuition Reduction Incentive Program
Use RaiseRight.com to buy gift cards, in which a percentage of your purchase gets applied to your tuition account!
It costs nothing to join!
How It Works
Participating retailers sell gift cards (physical or digital) to RaiseRight.com, offering a percentage back to our non-profit which gets passed on to you!
You pay face value for the gift card. The hundreds of retailers decide on the percentage they give back, and MANY of them offer bonuses throughout the year.
You can buy physical gift cards, mailed right to your home, OR e-gift cards (digital) that you can use right from the app! Many retailers offer a reloading option on their physical gift cards.
The amount you earn from using RaiseRight is applied to your tuition account every two months. Even if you have a zero balance in your tuition account, you can keep earning for the following year, even through the summer months!
How Do I Get Started
On your computer, go to RaiseRight.com to get started, and click on the blue “Sign Up” button. Enter our enrollment code LAFE762772884, then click on “Join a Program”. Follow the prompts to create your account.
**Be sure to type in your child’s first AND last name in the “Who are you earning for?” section. Once your account is created, start exploring and make purchases!
To make your life easier, RaiseRight offers an app, found in both iOS and Android platforms. (Look for RaiseRight Fundraising app with a blue/red heart logo.) Once downloaded, log in to your account that you’ve already created and start shopping!
Both the app on your smartphone and your account on your computer offer a wallet option. Once your purchases are made, they’ll be placed in your wallet waiting to be used.
Review each retailer’s offerings carefully, as all options and offerings are not the same.
In the payment section during your first purchase, select from paying with a debit card, for a nominal fee, or with a credit card, for a bit larger fee. You’ll be asked if you want your payment form saved.
(Paying YCS directly and having it delivered to the school is not an option at this time.)
With a little bit of planning ahead, you can use this program for almost everything you buy from fuel to clothing to groceries to travel to entertainment to your morning coffee drink, and much more! By taking a little bit of time to organize, you can earn A LOT of money towards your family’s tuition.
How Can I Learn More
Go to RaiseRight.com to learn more
Click on these helpful links:
How To Participate
10 Ways To Earn With Gift Cards
How To Send An eGift Card As A Gift
How Does Earn Add Up?
Shopping & Earning Options
Questions? Email Mrs. Janine McDavitt (janinemcdavitt@yorkvillechristian.com)
Be sure to watch your email for bonus days and holiday specials from RaiseRight!
Parent Ambassador Program
Serving and Promoting Yorkville Christian School
Yorkville Christian School has a Parent Ambassador group which serves the school through various avenues of time, talents and resources.
What are Parent Ambassadors?
- parents that help promote the school to prospective YCS families
- parents that promote various YCS events throughout the year in their hometowns by word of mouth, through email, through flyers and/or by reposting events to personal social media pages
- parents that volunteer their time or resources at YCS events
- parents that canvass their local businesses requesting and collecting gift cards, merchandise, etc. for prizes to hand out during our popular Trivia Night and other events throughout the year
- parents that attend a few Parent Ambassador meetings per year
To be a Parent Ambassador, you don’t have to do everything on the list above! If you are able to help with some things, that’s great. If you are able to help with many things, that’s awesome. If you can help with all of them, terrific! Just please consider how you can help.
Some examples of serving as a Parent Ambassador include, but are not limited to:
- handing out flyers to your neighbors or church friends for Open House
- collecting prizes for our upcoming events like Trivia Night
- volunteering on Grandparent’s Day or the Trunk or Treat event
- you, your family or a friend own a business and might be willing to donate or lend talents/trades to help with a project
Please simply consider what tools you have in your toolbox.
Parent involvement is a MUST at any school and this group is a vital part of YCS! There are many moving parts in making a successful school year, and Parents, you are one of those moving parts whether you donate items, talents or your time.
What a blessing it is that we can assist Mrs. Stewart, Mr. Sovern, Mr. Versluys, Mr. Schnyders and the rest of the YCS staff by helping to create an impactful and enjoyable school year, not just for the students but for the entire YCS family!
The Parent Ambassador group is led by Mrs. Janine McDavitt, a fellow parent since 2020, and can be reached at janinemcdavitt@yorkvillechristian.com.
To be added the Parent Ambassador group or if you have questions, please contact Mrs. Janine McDavitt.
Yorkville Christian Hosts Grandparents Day
On Thursday, October 12, Yorkville Christian School had the honor of hosting Grandparents Day. Nearly 130 grandparents joined us for this special event. The day started off with a continental breakfast, and a presentation by Mrs. Connie Brott, a member of our Mission Advancement team. Following the breakfast and opening presentation, grandparents, students, and staff attended chapel and listened to some great praise music from the Yorkville Christian Praise Team, as well as a fantastic message from Rev. Gerry Erffmeyer, a Yorkville Christian grandparent and current Chaplain at Park Place in Elmhurst.
After chapel, grandparents accompanied their grandchildren to their classes and visited two classes. It was great to see the grandparents interact in the classes, and share many of their life experiences with the students and staff. It was truly a blessing to have them as guests in the various classes.
The day concluded with a wonderful lunch and a few gifts for our guests. Thank you so much to our Parent Ambassador volunteers, who helped in so many ways to make the day successful. Also, a special thanks goes out to Mrs. Janine McDavitt and Mrs. Connie Brott, for their work in planning the day. Grandparents Day is truly one of the favorite days on the calendar for Yorkville Christian. We want to thank all the grandparents who joined us, and we cannot wait until next year.
Upcoming FFA Dates
The month of October has been quite a busy one for Yorkville Christian FFA! Fall Fest, Trunk or Treat, and rodeos galore have packed our calendar of events. Looking forward, we have some important dates that are fast approaching. On October 30th, students will depart for Indianapolis, Indiana for the National FFA Convention. During the National Convention, students learn more about FFA through meetings and workshops, explore possible careers and college opportunities, and spend time with friends. Those attending the convention will return on Friday, November 3rd. On November 21st, FFA is hosting a Thanksgiving Potluck & Meeting during the school day. In order to attend the luncheon, students must bring their own Thanksgiving dish to share. Sign-ups will be available in the Ag room. Nearing the end of November, the Illinois Little Britches Rodeo will be held at Mustang Arena at Spirit Farms. Through FFA, students can sign up to work concessions on November 24th or 25th. We look forward to these FFA activities & keep your eye out for more information!
-Written by Allie Fredrickson, Yorkville Christian FFA Historian
Yorkville Christian FFA Officer Retreat
The FFA Officer retreat took place on August 22nd – 24th and consisted of fun, planning, and lasting memories! The group consisted of the following FFA Officers: Kloe Pottinger, Halana Cejka, Payton Wallin, Emma Reinke, Emma Schleining, Laura Brancati, Allie Fredrickson, Ali Gajewski, Grace Voitik, Henry Fox, Andrew Henschen, Eli Foster, and Peyton Loomis. On the first day, the group headed straight for Noah’s Ark Waterpark in Wisconsin Dells. After enjoying lunch there, the group headed for their classic wood cabin. The second day started with a home cooked breakfast and deciding what three main goals the team wants to accomplish this year! FFA Officers enjoyed swimming, team bonding, making lunch together, & planning out all fundraising & community service projects for the year! Officers planned future events & designed the FFA Chapter’s T-shirt. The Yorkville Christian FFA Officer Retreat was a great time filled with lots of planning, leadership & fun! Thank you Mrs. Wiesbrook for planning this retreat & Mrs. Thompson for chaperoning the trip!
Written by: Laura Brancati, Yorkville Christian FFA Reporter
FFA Leadership Training School
On October 17th, eighteen students from the Yorkville Christian FFA attended Leadership Training School at Serena High School. The group consisted of Kloe Pottinger, Abbie MacDonald, Trinity Parr, Peyton Loomis , Payton Wallin , Eli Foster, Henry Fox, Kenny Fox, Garrett Tunnel, Hayden Wheeler, Andrew Henschen, Laura Brancati, Emma Schleining, Ruby Moe, Allie Fredrickson, Emma Reinke, Evelyn Kuehn, and Kelsey Breen. Upon arrival at the high school, the FFA members all enjoyed delicious hamburgers and chips with fellow students from local FFA chapters. Yorkville Christian FFA members got to hear from the Section 7 FFA Officers, watch an inspiring video and listen to a memorable story told by the Illinois State FFA Vice President, Eric Wisely. After that the audience was split into different workshops. Some of the highlights were Illinois Valley Community Colleges Agriculture department, Presidents from different school’s FFA Chapters, and guest speakers from different businesses. Later on, the FFA members were able to participate in the Ag Olympics! Yorkville Christian won in the Tug-o-War thanks to Garrett Tunnel, Andrew Henschen, Eli Foster, Henry Fox, Kenny Fox, and Hayden Wheeler. In the bag race Payton Wallin and Kelsey Breen were the runners and in the Hungry Hungry Horses. In the end of a long fought battle, Yorkville Christian FFA won for the second year in a row! LTS was a great opportunity for Yorkville Christian FFA members to meet other FFA members from neighboring schools, learn from various guest speakers & leadership workshops!
Written by: Laura Brancati, Yorkville Christian FFA Reporter
FFA Rodeo Concessions & FFA Work Days
Before every weekend of rodeos, the Yorkville Christian FFA has a workday for FFA members to clean up our concession stand. During the work day, we restocked all of our drinks, chips and candy and prepared the food that we are going to sell. We also wiped down all of the tables and wrote the menu board with pricing. At the end of every workday, we get to eat pizza and hang out for some time.
The Yorkville Christian FFA sells concessions at every monthly rodeo held at Mustang Arena and during those we have FFA members as well as some parents helping in the concession stand! FFA members can sign up for these rodeos at the start of the month, and the time is split up into different shifts. We usually have one person handling the money, and the rest are preparing different food and drinks, and making sure everything stays stocked. These rodeos are a great experience for the FFA members to bond and learn to work together. We are looking forward to seeing all our FFA students continue to step up to help with our rodeos! Thank you to our adult volunteers, Mrs. Garbelman & Mrs. Reinke for helping with the concessions!
Written By: Ali Gajewski, Yorkville Christian FFA Historian
Yorkville Christian Fall Fest
On Friday, October 6th, the Yorkville Christian FFA hosted the Fall Fest that was open to all Yorkville Christian students! There were concessions for sale selling caramel apples that the Food Science class made. There were two food trucks selling fries and personal pizzas. There were bags games set up in the parking lot and a large bonfire in the gravel lot. There were haybales set up around the fire and s’mores bags for everyone to make
There was also a pie eating contest that night that Hayden Wheeler and Jess Seaton tied for first place with six pies each. We had speakers outside, playing music and ended up having a great turnout. We are looking forward to doing this again in the next years to come!
Meet the 2023-2024 Yorkville Christian FFA Officer Team!
President- Kloe Pottinger – Senior
Favorite Ag Class- Ag Business
Favorite FFA Activity- FFA Convention
Favorite Bible Verse- Matthew 6:34
Vice President- Halana Cejka – Junior
Favorite Ag Class- Animal Science 1
Favorite FFA Activity- FFA Convention
Favorite BIble Verse- 2 Chronicles 15:7
Secretary- Payton Wallin – Sophomore
Favorite Ag Class- Intro to Agriculture
Favorite FFA Activity- FFA Officer Retreat
Favorite Bible Verse- Matthew 5:44
Sentinel- Gracie Voitik- Junior
Favorite Ag Class- Animal Science 2
Favorite FFA Activity- Leadership Training School
Favorite Bible Verse- Colossians 3:23-24
Treasurer- Emma Reinke- Junior
Favorite Ag Class- Animal Science 1
Favorite FFA Activity- Leadership Training School
Favorite BIble Verse- Proverbs 4:23
Reporter- Emma Schleining- Sophomore
Favorite Ag Class- Animal Science 1
Favorite FFA Activity- FFA Convention
Favorite BIble Verse- Philippians 4:13
Reporter- Laura Brancati- Sophomore
Favorite Ag Class- Into To Ag
Favorite FFA Activity- FFA Convention
Favorite Bible Verse- Psalms 46:1
Historian- Ali Gajewski- Junior
Favorite Ag Class- Animal Science 1
Favorite FFA Activity- FFA Convention
Favorite Bible Verse- Isaiah 41:10
Historian- Allie Frederickson- Sophomore
Favorite Ag Class- Animal Science 2
Favorite FFA Activity- FFA Officer Retreat
Favorite Bible Verse- Jeremiah 15:21
Chaplin- Henry Fox- Sophomore
Favorite Ag Class- Animal Science 1
Favorite FFA Activity- Rodeo Concessions
Favorite Bible Verse- Matthew 7:24
Farm Manager- Andrew Henschen – Junior
Favorite Ag Class- Animal Science 1
Favorite FFA Activity- Gladiator Archery
Favorite Bible Verse- Psalms 118:6
Farm Hand- Eli Foster- Sophomore
Favorite Ag Class- Animal Science 1
Favorite FFA Activity- FFA Convention
Favorite Bible Verse- Matthew 19:24
Student Advisor- Peyton Loomis- Sophomore
Favorite Ag Class- Animal Science 1
Favorite FFA Activity- FFA Week
Favorite Bible Verse- Philippians 4:13
Written By: Emma Schleining, Yorkville Christian FFA Reporter
FFA Orientation Night
On September 19th, the Yorkville Christian FFA hosted the annual FFA Orientation Night for all parents and all FFA members. The night started off with a potluck dinner. Mrs. Wiesbrook introduced the 2023-2024 officer team. Our Vice President; Halana Cejka talked about all the upcoming events for this year. President Kloe Pottinger and Chaplin Henry Fox talked about what FFA is and what the chapter’s mission is this year. Sentinel Gracie Voitik and Secretary; Payton Wallin taught the group about the FFA Official Dress. And the last presentation was made by Treasurer Emma Reinke, Farm Manager Andrew Henschen, and Farm Hand Eli Foster. They talked about the chapter’s fundraisers for this year. It was a great night for all FFA members & families to learn about what all Yorkville Christian FFA has to offer this year! Thank you to all who attended!
Written by: Emma Schleining, Yorkville Christian FFA Reporter
Students in Mrs. Tickel’s Geometry classes created their own hand made protractors. Students used the geometric tool to draw and measure all types of acute and obtuse angles. It was a great practical lesson for the students, and they really enjoyed the activities.
Honors Chemistry
Honors Chemistry students, under the direction of Mrs. Painter, recently completed a lab to help practice the safe use of lab materials, testing precision, and the ability to follow directions and practice measuring techniques, while using a metric system. This lab took place in our new science room! We are very excited to have Mrs. Painter on staff this year, as well as our beautiful new science lab!
Bible Electives Class
The Bible Elective class, under the direction of Mrs. Liz Sovern, recently completed a project designed to gain understanding of the book of Daniel. Students analyzed chapters 1-6 of Daniel and then worked in groups to create a visual of what they learned and which lessons they would carry with them for life.
Introduction to Food Services
Students in Mrs. Wiesbrook’s Introduction to Food Services class recently learned several valuable lessons while creating salsa. The students started by learning about various types of tomatoes, and discussed why the Roma Tomato is an excellent choice for things like salsa, because of its paste type texture. The students learned about various vegetables that go into the making of salsa, and then also learned proper knife cutting techniques, including such methods as dicing and chopping. After learning the proper techniques as well as the types of vegetables involved in the recipe, the students created their own salsa. The final products looked and tasted amazing!
Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop Class
Students under the direction of Mr. John McDavitt worked on a vector illustration project using tools they learned over the first few weeks of class. This Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop class is a new class offering this year, and is taught in our new, state-of-the-art computer lab. Students are very excited about this new elective opportunity.
The middle school music class, taught by Mrs. Christy Motley, recently learned how to play tone chimes, as the students learned about the various elements of music.
Intro to Drawing and Painting
Mr. McDavitt’s Introduction to Drawing and Painting class recently completed a shading shapes project, where students had to put their shading and drawing techniques to use. The students did an amazing job!
Anatomy and Physiology
Mrs. Painter’s Anatomy and Physiology class recently completed a lesson where students painted the bones of the cranium and the face to learn the various bones that exist in these areas. It was a great visual for the students to help them learn the various bones.
Students in Biology class, as part of their Ecology unit, collaborated to identify the variety of terrestrial biomes found in North America. Biology is taught by Mrs. Schnyders. Great job class!
Mustangs in the Community
On Wednesday, September 13, the parents of Yorkville Christian High School seniors joined together at the school from 6-9 pm and decorated the parking spots of their sons or daughters. The senior class was away at the Senior Fall Retreat, so the timing was perfect, as the senior returned the next day to see their parking spots decorated. It was a special way for the parents to leave an encouraging message to the seniors and to trust God as they finish their last year at Yorkville Christian before pursuing God’s plan for each of them after high school. Thank you to all the parents who attended the event. It was a great success!
Once again, Yorkville Christian was actively involved in the Yorkville Chamber of Commerce Golf outing. The event was held on Thursday, September 14, at the Blackberry Oaks Golf Club. Mrs. Janine McDavitt, Yorkville Christian’s Director of Mission Advancement, volunteered at the event, and Yorkville Christian provided a gift basket to help support the silent auction at the outing. It was a beautiful day with an excellent turnout, so it was a fantastic networking opportunity for Yorkville Christian.
On Thursday, September 21, the Yorkville Christian High School soccer team defeated Harvest Christian by a score of 2-1. The Mustangs received a goal from Dillon Bulson on a beautiful pass from Logan Stuck, and Angelo Colosimo scored the winning goal with less than two minutes left in the game. Great job, Mustangs!
On Monday, September 25, the Yorkville Christian High School varsity volleyball team defeated Parkview Academy by a score of 25-18 and 25-15. The Mustangs received excellent efforts from Kai Thompson and Ellie Stewart in a total team effort. The win was the fourth in a row for the Mustangs and six out of their last seven! GREAT JOB, LADIES!
On Saturday, September 23, nearly 200 guests attended the 3rd Annual Yorkville Christian Trivia Night. A record 26 teams registered for the event. The night was a great evening of fun and fellowship. Teams were treated to several rounds of general trivia with great prizes awarded after every round, as well as prizes for the first, second, and third place finishers. The winning team was “A Team with No Name”, while “Faith, Hope, and Trivia” finished in second place, and “Huh?” finished in third. There was also a tremendous amount of great food items served at each table! Thank you to everyone who attended the event.
On Wednesday, September 27, the Yorkville Christian School community gathered together at the flagpole before the school day started for a time of prayers. Students, parents, and staff members gathered together to pray for our school, our communities, and our country. It was so evident the Lord was present during the prayer time, and it was such a great way to start the day! To God be the glory, and we thank Him for His continued faithfulness to Yorkville Christian.
On Thursday, September 28, several middle school and high school students attended the first Yorkville Christian Rodeo Club meeting of the year. The Rodeo Club is led by Mrs. Stewart. The group discussed several items including upcoming home and away rodeos, practice schedule for the year; team shirts for its members; and brainstormed ideas to get new students to join the Rodeo Club. All of this while enjoying a wonderful lunch of loaded nachos. It was great to see all the enthusiasm for this club with offers incredible experiences for our students that most local middle and high schools do not offer.
On Tuesday, October 3, the Yorkville Christian High School soccer team defeated Mooseheart by a score of 4-2. The team was led by Dillon Bulson who recorded two goals, and Logan Stuck and Dakota Bulson, who each contributed a goal in the victory. The team is having an excellent season and continues to improve as they approach regional play! Great job Mustangs!
Yorkville Christian High School senior wrestler, Ty Edwards, recently committed to Gardner Webb University. Gardner Webb University is a D1 program in Boiling Springs, North Carolina. Ty has played a major role in the wrestling program’s success at Yorkville Christian, helping the program to a state championship and a state runner up finish in the past two years. Ty was a two-time state runner up (freshman and junior years, as he was out with an injury his sophomore year); and was a USA Wrestling Fargo All-American in Greco Roman wrestling. Congratulations Ty, and may God continue to bless your path in the future!
The wrestling program, under the direction of Coach Mike Vester, has now sent two wrestlers to Division 1 schools, three wrestlers to D2 schools, three wrestlers to D3 schools, and a couple to JUCO schools, all in the past two years. Incredible success!
Congratulations to Yorkville Christian senior, Mikayla Highland, who decided last spring to attend Aurora University next year to continue her academic and athletic career. Mikayla has been part of the Mustang volleyball program all four years of her high school career. Great job Mikayla, and may God continue to bless you in the future.
As the new school year began, Yorkville Chrisitan started the bible study groups for the new year. The boys’ bible study group will be led this year by Mr. Maroney, and the girls’ bible study will be led by Mrs. Painter. Both groups have a large number of students participating in them. The boys’ group is currently studying the book of Romans. It is so great to see God at work in the hearts of our students through these bible studies. To God be the glory!
On Tuesday, October 17, Yorkville Christian High School hosted its National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. The ceremony started with a welcome and opening prayer from our principal, Mr. Fred Versluys. Mr. Javier Garcia presented the NHS Pillars to the audience, followed by a challenge from Mr. John McDavitt. The ceremony then recognized the new inductees, and Mr. Aaron Sovern provided the closing remarks and prayer. It was a wonderful ceremony and an honor to welcome the nine new NHS members. Congratulations to everyone involved!