T.R.I.P. Tuition Reduction Incentive Program
Use RaiseRight.com to buy gift cards, in which a percentage of your purchase gets applied to your tuition account!
It costs nothing to join!
How It Works
Participating retailers sell gift cards (physical or digital) to RaiseRight.com , offering a percentage back to our non-profit which gets passed on to you!

How Do I Get Started
On your computer, go to RaiseRight.com to get started, and click on the blue “Sign Up” button. Enter our enrollment code LAFE762772884, then click on “Join a Program”. Follow the prompts to create your account.
**Be sure to type in your child’s first AND last name in the “Who are you earning for?” section. Once your account is created, start exploring and make purchases!
To make your life easier, RaiseRight offers an app, found in both iOS and Android platforms. Look for RaiseRight Fundraising with this logo: Once downloaded, log in to your account that you’ve already created and start shopping!
Both the app on your smartphone and your account on your computer offer a wallet option. Once your purchases are made, they’ll be placed in your wallet waiting to be used.
Review each retailer’s offerings carefully, as all options and offerings are not the same.
In the payment section during your first purchase, select from paying with a debit card, for a nominal fee, or with a credit card, for a bit larger fee. You’ll be asked if you want your payment form saved. (Paying YCS directly and having it delivered to the school is not an option at this time.)
With a little bit of planning ahead, you can use this program for almost everything you buy from fuel to clothing to groceries to travel to entertainment to your morning coffee drink, and much more! By taking a little bit of time to organize, you can earn A LOT of money towards your family’s tuition.